I Maybe Sometime

Body of Knowledge: Methodology for the subversion of Epistemic Injustice in the creation of post-traumatic autobiography.

This practice as research project offers an approach to the creation of post-traumatic autobiographical performance, in particular the trauma of child sexual abuse,outlining a methodology that engages poetics in the creative engagement of epistemological rupture caused by such abuse.

Realms of knowing and not knowing articulated by Jean Francois Lyotard as The Differend: the space that cannot are positioned in relation to Miranda Fricker2 conceptualisation of Epistemic, Testimonial and Hermeneutical Injustice. Alongside the theorectical research was the creation of materials towards I Maybe Sometime. The creative process tangling with ideas of compositon and assemblage, multiplicity of Autobiographical 'I', choreographic form and text construction.

2 Fricker, Miranda, Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing (Oxford Scholarship Online, 2007).

This project involved the creation of I Maybe Sometime (2023) a solo performance work for theatre spaces performed at The Dance Space on March 10th 2023.

The PhD is being conducted at the University of Essex in the Literature, Film & Theatre Department and was made possible by receipt of three-year scholarship.